Monday Motivation

Does getting to your yoga mat feel like the meeting of two magnets? If so, you are not alone! Life gets in the way of yoga and one of our biggest challenges is to get our bums on the mat. But just remember, once you’re there, I will take care of the rest! 

Here are FIVE TIPS to help you get to your mat this week:

1. Try to find a regular slot in your schedule to help you stick to it. If you are doing the live class, then you have your time set. If you are doing the recorded class, be as realistic as you can. (eg Don’t schedule it for the evening if you know you are a morning person!) Think about little changes you can make to your schedule to create a regular slot for yoga. 

2. Let go of your expectations! Remember that getting to your mat is truly the hardest part. Just focus on making that happen. If you achieve anything else once you are there, it is a bonus! Maybe you take it easy, maybe you skip a pose here and there, or perhaps you need to rest a little more in between poses. Just do your best and, above all, don’t be hard on yourself. Repeat after me… “If I get to my mat, I win the world!” 

3. Some yoga is better than no yoga. This one has helped me so many times! Doing ANY yoga is better than no yoga. If your time and energy are limited, try doing just the beginning of the class. All YLC classes start with a relaxing breath meditation and a gentle warm-up. So if you just make it to your mat for the first 10-15 mins of class and then go on with your day, you will feel better, I promise! And who knows? You might end up staying for the rest ;)

4. Come as you are! We all put obstacles between us and doing something positive for ourselves…eg “I need to clean my house/pay my bills/buy the right yoga clothes/eat healthier/lose weight/drink less wine/do more work/clear my desk/wash my hair/get more sleep… before I can do yoga. The list is endless! Unless it is legitimately urgent, it can ALL wait while you do yoga. And believe me, it will all feel so much more manageable after you’ve done a bit of yoga!

5. Get in touch. If you are a YLC member, you can hop on the private Facebook page to ask me questions or vent about any challenges you might be having. Our private FB group is a good-vibes-only, judgment-free zone! Or feel free to get in touch with me directly. If you are not a YLC member, you can sign up here to discover all of the wonderful benefits of a regular yoga practice!

Do yoga. Feel better. It’s that simple!

See you on the mat :)


Come for the yoga. Stay for the relaxation!


Lovely Leggies!